Thursday, November 12, 2009

That's what it's all about folks...

So after Pee Puey's basketball practice (I didn't get to see this...albeit at 4'11"...I'm sure it's challenging... I told her next week I'll play on her team...) we all went to dinner in town (which just means a conglomeration of street vendors)...

We made 2 stops for various bugs: grasshoppers (I did manage to eat a leg...), crickets and mothworms that looked much too juicy for my digestive tract... Then got some phad thai and what essentially looked like a chilli pepper salad - but they assured me there were other ingredients (unless they were in chilli pepper disquise...I doubt this...) I attempted to eat a tiny chilli pepper but unfortunately (or most likely fortunately...) my finger pores started absorbing the heat, became paralyzed, and I dropped the pepper...

My phad thai was safe. Well...not if I was a diabetic (as there were clearly three spoons of sugar on top of my noodles)...but safe from loosing permanent feeling in my mouth...

After dinner they drove me home and hung out long enough to tell grandma and Jane that I was going to leave again for the weekend (I feel so guilty I couldn't break it to them...not to Jane...she's just too innocent...)...

So they start saying something about me and when I ask Pee puey what they're talking about she says:

"We were just saying how when you were in Bangkok last weekend, Jane came up to her grandma and was telling her how she missed having you around. She said it feels very warm and homey having me there. She thinks that when you leave for America she will be much much sadder and will miss you even more. Her uncle even called grandma and asked how grandma would like it if she got a 'farang' (foreigner) as a daughter-in-law..."

Dear Jesus! Talk about unexpected! All I could do was smile ear to ear and say, "Where did you hear that I was going back to America...?"

But really...I was shocked...and touched...and happy...and I KNEW how she felt and what she ment by what she said...what a nice family...and so good to me...

Jane cooks me breakfast EVERY day...and its my favorite meal of the day...I wish she knew... She refuses to let me do my own laundry...or iron...or even wash or put away any dishes... Dinner is cooked for me every night...always in mind with my love of onion, garlic and vegetables...EVERYTHING is done for me! Every week, when my gym shoes get dusty from running on the trails, she deconstructs them and washes every part...

And we never talk...she can't...and doesn't lie we have about a vocab of 10-20 words (thai and english combined) that we throw 'good morning', 'go school', 'eat rice', 'go home', 'tomorrow', 'delicious', "hungry", 'full' and "goodnight" (in various permutations of english and thai)...

So I feel very blessed...I'm thankful for being in such a loving family...very humbled...

Rice picking cancelled tomorrow...apparently it's been too hot and it needs one more week... So classes until 1 tomorrow then on to the bus I go... I'm excited for the beautiful ride...I love seeing the country side... Also excited to see that little area of Bangkok I love so much... Going to see a movie on Saturday, I think... The movie theatres have blankets and huge la-z-boy seats! Yay!

Remember to love...
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