Thursday, November 12, 2009

I have a feeling this ain't the VIP bus...

Finally got on a bus to BKK...but this is def. no VIP it could be 5 could be 8....ya just don't know...

Some photos from my afternoon food adventure...Pee Puey wanted to take me to the is always the case...there are like 3 stops "we" have to make first...crickets...jackfruit....gas... Missed a bus of course...but its all about the my human promptness aside...I had a fun time... With some great quotes from Pee Puey:

"At first, I did not think you were pretty - you looked like a man...but now...I think you are very beautiful!"

Hmmm...thank you? I suppose this may have something to do with why I'm single...? I'm wearing pink tomorrow.

It's unbelievable how "non-serious" school work is here...the kids do what they want...90 percent of the time, one or two kids do the work assigned them and then the rampant copying begins....sometimes...they'll put a kid in charge of copying for like 5 kids in class... They do it right in front of me and just smile... I tried to discourage it the first few weeks to no avail... So now it's like the Kinko's backroom in my classes...

On the upside...I was told how impressed she was with my level of preparation for classes... That was a thoughtful comment...I appreciated that...I really do think a LOT about every level of student and even rank of students in classes... They have grade level here....but each grade level is split into 4 to 5 "factions" according to intelligence/

8th grade is split into:

8/1 the smartest kids
8/2, 8/3 the average kids
8/4 and 8/5 the kids that are always in detention...(Well...if they had detention...)

Yeah...2 stops in 15 minutes...this is going to be a looong ride...

Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T

1 comment:

  1. Wow, jackfruit. mmmm....
    Thanks for sharing keep it up.
