A few observations.
I have no expectations going into this week. Armed only with my mother's pleas to protect myself from organ harvesting - I am open for observational reflection. And how quickly it comes! Traveling solo has the benefit of quieting the senses...leaving them open and unobstructed for full stimuli reception. You notice how many kids cry on a plane...why are they crying? How old are they? Where are they going? Do they understand their surroundings...?
These are the small things I pick up on when not engaged with another... Sure you can still pick up all these peripherally while in conversation...but you never probe the stimuli. You leave it. So what am I deriving from this new found analysis...? Knowledge about self. I find out how I would act as a parent. What I would do. What I would say. How involved my partner would be in the process. Its a delight to learn about yourself...one that we are often too busy to entertain...
Observing my surroundings. A favorite activity. The man next to me, for instance...he's so visual. His thoughts must be drawn or written to be expressed to his contentment. He just purchaced Gucci cologne and had three bottles of champagne. Does any of it matter? No. But they can be a pattern precursor. Maybe beneficial. Maybe not.
It does have a double benefit of making me highly conscious of my presence. Good? Bad? To me...good. Always refining the self. Must be aware to refine.
He's highlighting things now. Funny.
I was upgraded on the LHR-IST leg... Cute really. I had my boots on...and at 6'1" they felt bad for me since business had maybe 2 seats occupied. Made me feel thankful that I'm thankful...
A soundbyte from this weekend is on repeat in my brain. Something to the effect of, 'I travel too much'. More than likely I extrapolated that incorrectly...but it made me question myself. The questioning has obviously led to an OCD-esque loop that I'm having a hard time quieting. Am I travelling too much? Are other areas suffering for it? Work is not. Good. Friends...? I try and stay in touch...I'm here for most of their important events...I try very hard to keep them top-of-mind. I fly in...I write...I love... Is my idea of family and romantic relationship affected? I didn't think so... I guess I don't know. I had not seen the effect before... And when presented with a viable attention-keeper...I spend my time there... I suppose someone that did not know my style would not know that...so point taken... Time works magic...
That's all for now...I fly in at 4 PM local time...straight to the hotel...unpack a bit and get my barring. Early start tomorrow with an all day historical tour...8am-6pm... And mom: I won't go into any alleys. Promise.
Well unless I meet a really hot local guy...
love, class and affection...
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