Thursday, February 25, 2010
Photos...Days 0-3
The art work that you will see are two pieces I fell in absolute LOVE with here...and purchased...and the FIRST thing I do when I get home...will be to unravel them and STARE...very sizable pieces...
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
My view in Istanbul...
Tour starts soon...I can't wait...albeit it was raining all night...
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I enjoy the subtle hints...
A few observations.
I have no expectations going into this week. Armed only with my mother's pleas to protect myself from organ harvesting - I am open for observational reflection. And how quickly it comes! Traveling solo has the benefit of quieting the senses...leaving them open and unobstructed for full stimuli reception. You notice how many kids cry on a plane...why are they crying? How old are they? Where are they going? Do they understand their surroundings...?
These are the small things I pick up on when not engaged with another... Sure you can still pick up all these peripherally while in conversation...but you never probe the stimuli. You leave it. So what am I deriving from this new found analysis...? Knowledge about self. I find out how I would act as a parent. What I would do. What I would say. How involved my partner would be in the process. Its a delight to learn about that we are often too busy to entertain...
Observing my surroundings. A favorite activity. The man next to me, for instance...he's so visual. His thoughts must be drawn or written to be expressed to his contentment. He just purchaced Gucci cologne and had three bottles of champagne. Does any of it matter? No. But they can be a pattern precursor. Maybe beneficial. Maybe not.
It does have a double benefit of making me highly conscious of my presence. Good? Bad? To me...good. Always refining the self. Must be aware to refine.
He's highlighting things now. Funny.
I was upgraded on the LHR-IST leg... Cute really. I had my boots on...and at 6'1" they felt bad for me since business had maybe 2 seats occupied. Made me feel thankful that I'm thankful...
A soundbyte from this weekend is on repeat in my brain. Something to the effect of, 'I travel too much'. More than likely I extrapolated that incorrectly...but it made me question myself. The questioning has obviously led to an OCD-esque loop that I'm having a hard time quieting. Am I travelling too much? Are other areas suffering for it? Work is not. Good. Friends...? I try and stay in touch...I'm here for most of their important events...I try very hard to keep them top-of-mind. I fly in...I write...I love... Is my idea of family and romantic relationship affected? I didn't think so... I guess I don't know. I had not seen the effect before... And when presented with a viable attention-keeper...I spend my time there... I suppose someone that did not know my style would not know point taken... Time works magic...
That's all for now...I fly in at 4 PM local time...straight to the hotel...unpack a bit and get my barring. Early start tomorrow with an all day historical tour...8am-6pm... And mom: I won't go into any alleys. Promise.
Well unless I meet a really hot local guy...
love, class and affection...
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Monday, February 22, 2010
as of right now...a whole row of seats to myself. again: awesome.
50 Degrees and raining the whole time. not awesome.
i'm excited to reflect.
brother called me last night. that made me so happy.
need to run to the bank and pay for 3 months of housing that I will not be utilizing. i gotta stop my roll...
xo xo GG
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Post for MAMA...

Hey Mom!
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Overwhelmed with gratitude...
Upgraded about three levels to an amazing suite at Four's essentially a little villa with the bathroom encompassing half of the area...
At the pool with a cocktail reading "How to feed the world" in this weeks Economist and listening to "Million Dollar Bill" by Whitney Houston...oh the irony....
Located amazing heels for the party with the Princess tonight...6 pm...
Met the Director that has made all this possible - Mr. Nelson Hilton...who is getting the worlds longest thank you card upon my return to the states...
I feel somewhat guilty sitting amidst the luxury...I can't help it...but I deserve this... I'm a really good girl!
If you give - you always get more in return...
This is the perfect culmination...
Thanks world.
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To prevent brain cell leakage...
So far, they've suran wrapped my head...I hope they understood I just needed a haircut...?
Other photo from a 5 hour shopping trip at the market... A fat manequin! Guess who the target consumer is!? Hmmm...
Tomorrow morning...I've been sent to "transvestite road" find heels... Should have some fun updates...
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Saturday, November 28, 2009
Nekhon Sawat Wat...
Unbelievable experience...very reverent...made me feel countlessly blessed...
The temple itself is amazing...the views amazing...and the best part is that its NOT touristy (3 hrs from Bangkok)! It was all Thais...which is important to me...
We went in and purchased incense, a candle, two gold and silver lotus buds (in photos) and some little squares of paper...
In the main room (with all of the gold statues of various monks) we lit the incense and candles and prayed to buddha (in photos)...after this we bowed three times and placed the candle and incense on the alter. Then we went up to the statues and made an offering of the silver and gold lotus buds to the buddha. The little squares of paper we received contained a very thin sheet of gold...we used the paper to transfer the gold onto the statues of buddha and various monks...this was so neat...!
Then we went up to the preciding monk and were blessed...
We took the next hour to wander and take was a really special experience for me...(Photos)
I purchased some special items at this temple that were blessed by the head purchases to-date....
Said goodbye to Pee Puey and (whom I will call...) her boyfriend...and on the bus, en route to Bangkok...
She grew on me, that Pee Puey... She's a good woman...just "very easily" distracted... :)
I'm happy to know her.
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Friday, November 27, 2009
The Deathly Flaw Impostor...
They would claim that I can be moody...
I could retort with: I'm a woman! It's how we're wired... In order to make room for the depth of emotion we feel for when you are sick...for the poor...for suffering, etc...we have to have a "wide-spectrum" of emotions...that happen to be "easier" to influence than the typical males...
...But I won't use that excuse...because it doesn't solve anything... is how you deal with it...
1. I will use myself - vs. women - but know that I am not atypical as far as emotion goes within the female world...
2. More likely than not...I seem VERY upset by something stupid and not relevantly impactful on life such as (real examples):
- I have to use the bathroom and have to hold it for three hours...making me through somewhat of a silent temper tantrum consisting of sighs and movements of displeasure...this somehow directed at the person next to me (pee puey) that has nothing to do with the situation. I'm aware of this...but I don't care. I want her to know how upset I am. 2-year old behavior. How to solve this? Ignore me or (and this is better...) say "I know this must be terrible for you...I would feel the same..." At this point: silent tantrum would be over. If I'm ignored...that's fine...I'll get over it once the small irritation is gone, with absolutely no effect on the other person.
-i was promised a towel this morning to shower with. No towel and everyone dead asleep when I wake up. I instantly grow very irritated that my needs were cast aside for late night partying. I pout to myself. This lasts 3 minutes because there is nothing I can do. I shake myself dry. I'm clean...irritation gone.
-when in a relationship: let's say I take two hours to get ready for a particular event and I'm very excited about bf picks me up and says..."You know...I have an early morning meeting...can we just skip it and grab some dinner...?" I would seem "colder" and say it was fine. I do not want to be not-flexible. I would pout. I know it wouldn't change anything at all but I somehow want my bf to know my discontent. How to fix? Simply say "sweetheart...listen...I have an early meeting...and I KNOW how much you want to go to this event but I'm just not feeling up for it tonight...maybe we could compromise...have dinner together...go to the event for a half hour...and if you'd like to stay...perfectly okay...". This would instantly turn me to think, "he is the most considerate man...I will follow him anywhere...". And we would go have dinner, I would suggest we skip the event all together and go home. I would be happier than if we went to the event because I now know how considerate my partner is...
-if I am getting dressed for something and grow really frustrated and irritated because nothing fits right and I'm feeling bloated...and my hair sucks...and my skin looks bad...and one complaint just leads to the next... Know this: there is NOTHING you can's all in my head. BUT...trickery works! So just grab my ass and tell me I have the best body he's ever seen....give me a kiss on the forehead....and offer to get me a cup of coffee or a glass of wine....and problem solved! My mind will instantly switch FROM "I can't believe I look so ugly", TO: "I can't believe I am SO blessed to have this person in my life!". And now I'm glowing with happiness! the secret is...manipulate! I know that is what is happening...but as long as its the GENUINE strategic (the manipulation part) placement of compliments and soothing phrases....I'm okay with that!
When in doubt...keep in mind this: how do you soothe a two-year old in a temper tantrum?
Give him/her something that she wants. Whether a hug...a kiss...candy...anything you know the child LIKES...
And when all fails...IGNORE me and leave me to pout alone...because 97% of the have nothing to do with this and you're just an innocent bystander in a tantrum...
What NOT to do - the following is like throwing a bucket of gasoline on a fire:
- tell me to stop having a tantrum or to stop pouting. Trust me: not good because I will defend the fact that I am NOT having a tantrum until I'm blue in the face and will truly be upset with you for negating my feelings...
- compare my behavior to other women or to ANYONE with the outcome of my behavior being "irrational"... this makes me angry just typing this... If you like the behavior of someone else...go be with them :)
- give me an ultimatum such as "pull yourself together or we just won't go"....or..."If you don't stop complaining about being bloated, I might as well just start saying you're bloated...". No no no! Bad Bad Bad!!!
Remember...I KNOW I'm being irrational...and once I'm calm...I will hug you and tell you, "thank you for putting up with my temper tantrum!". BUT...only I can refer to my emotions as temper tantrums...if you do...again...not good...I will defend my rationality...
Had two little temper tantrums (the bus and towel scenarios) yesterday....and was laughing as myself this morning....and thought it would be educational to address...
So there you have it! Not a deathly flaw at all if you can kill it at the root by regurgitating the same phrase of "did I tell you how beautiful you are today?"
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